Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who do YOU say that Jesus is?


The Gospel of Mark, Chapter 5, verses 21-43

Maybe some of you remember the TV quiz show, “ What’s My Line?”, which aired for the first time back in 1955.

The last round of the game involved blindfolding the panel of 4 people while a “mystery guest” was brought in.  Usually the guest was a relatively well known celebrity whose identity would be revealed to the TV audience but not to the panelists.  Their job was to ask questions in order to determine the mystery guest’s identity.  

That’s the kind of situation we see in passage today.  Word of Jesus had spread rapidly – throughout Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, the regions across Jordan – and as far north as the Gentile regions of Tyre and Sidon.

On the far eastern side of the Sea of Galilee Jesus had driven a legion of demons out of a man & into a herd of pigs.  Owners of the pigs begged him to leave and so now He has returned by boat back to western side of the Sea of Galilee.  There He is greeted by a large crowd which gathered around Him on the side of the lake.

 When He got out of the boat, He was immediately surrounded by a crowd.  Who they believed Jesus to be was evident in their actions.   

We’re going to take a look at some of the people in today’s passage which reveal their answer to the question:  “Who IS this man?”  “What IS Jesus’ LINE?”

READ MARK 5:21-42

v. 21  “When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while He was by the lake.”

v. v. 24 “A large crowd followed and pressed around Him.”

To the crowd, Jesus was a “celebrity”.  Like the papparatsi of our day, they were curiosity seekers.  They followed to get a glimpse of Jesus.  To see for themselves what this larger than life person looked like up close and personal.  They were hoping to get their own needs met, or perhaps to see Jesus perform a miracle.

Undoubtedly, some of the members of the crowd would come to know and believe in Jesus, not as a celebrity, but as the Son of God, who would be crucified for their sins.  But the majority would not.   Some of them would be part of another crowd one day, one that would shout, “crucify Him”, demanding the death of the One they clamored now to see.

In v. 22 we meet Jairus.  “Then one of the synagogue rulers named Jairus, came there. “

Jairus’ position in the local synagogue was an elected one.   When he came to see Jesus, it wasn’t because he was a casual curiosity seeker.  In fact, since many of the synagogue rulers were Pharisees who opposed Jesus, Jairus was risking his reputation and livelihood to seek Jesus out.  But sought Him, he did – because he was desperate.  

In Jesus – Jairus didn’t see a celebrity.  He saw HOPE.

v. 22-23  “Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, ‘My little daughter is dying.  Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”

He came in humility, falling at Jesus feet and pleading earnestly.  And Jesus rewarded his courageous faith.

v. 24 “So Jesus went with him.”  No third degree, no questions asked – Jesus saw this father’s pain – and the faith that prompted it - and He just went – but the going wasn’t easy.
Try and imagine the scene that follows.  

V. 24 “A large crowd followed and pressed around Jesus.”

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you HAVE to get somewhere in a hurry but everything seems to be in slow motion.  Your legs weigh 100 pounds and no matter how fast you think you’re going – you never seem to get anywhere.  

That’s how it must have felt for Jairus.  It must have seemed as if it would take forever for Jesus to get thru the crowd, and all the while his daughter’s life hung in the balance.  He didn’t know what WE know – that his FAITH and HOPE would be rewarded beyond his expectations!

They probably hadn’t gone very far when Jesus and Jairus encountered a delay.


v. 25  “And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years.  She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better, she grew worse.  When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched His cloak, bec she thought, ‘If I just touch His clothes I will be healed.  Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.”

Can you imagine having a period that lasted – non-stop – for 12 years?!  Can you imagine the frustration of going from doctor to doctor, using up all your financial resources, for a cure that never came?  And only getting worse.

For this woman Jesus was also a source of HOPE – not only for physical healing - but also for the removal of the social & religious stigma that came with her disease.  

Lev. 15:25 “When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days at a time other than her monthly period. . . . she will be unclean as long as she has the discharge.”   

What did it mean to be considered “unclean”?  It meant that anyone who touched this woman, or anything she touched, including her clothing, the chair she sat on – anything - while she was considered “unclean” would be considered unclean also.  Until those she touched had been ritually cleansed, they would not be able to participate in worship in the synagogue.  The pain of this woman’s disease spilled over into the rest of her life – making her a social and religious outcast as well.

So we can understand that she wouldn’t have wanted to draw attention to herself or to be seen touching Jesus’ cloak, or her uncleanness would taint Him as well.  So she approached quietly, and unobtrusively, believing that just touching his clothes would bring the healing she desired. 
She risked public exposure and humiliation – because she was SO CERTAIN that Jesus could heal her.  And her faith was rewarded.

v. 29 “Immediately, her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.”

v. 30 “AT ONCE Jesus realized that power had gone out from him.  He turned around in the crowd and (the All Knowing One) asked, “Who touched my clothes?”

Can you hear the skepticism in the minds of the disciples when they respond:

v. 31 “You see the people crowding against you (RIGHT?), and yet you can ask, “Who touched me?”    

Oh, I am SO much like them, so quick to underestimate the power and will and compassion and DETERMINATION of Jesus!

v. 32 But Jesus kept looking around to see who had touched Him.

When she realized that Jesus wasn’t going to give up until she came forward, we read:
v. 33 “Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told Him the whole truth.”

Why was she afraid, I wonder?  Could it be that in the 12 years that she was bleeding, she had come up against many others who were infuriated and disgusted by her touch.  Was she afraid that Jesus would also rebuke her for touching Him and making Him unclean?   

How difficult was it to tell Him the whole, shaming, embarrassing truth?  Did she expect Him to shrink back in disgust as well?

She need not have been afraid.  What Jesus gave was NOT a rebuke – but grace and gentleness.

v. 34 “He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you.  Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

All she wanted was a quick, anonymous healing – and what she got was compassion and grace – a confirmation of faith willing to take a risk on Jesus.

What do you think is going thru the mind of Jairus while Jesus stops to seek out this woman?

I'm thinking his anxiety level is rising.  Mine would be!

He believed enough in Jesus ability to heal that he sought Him out – even at great personal risk.  But each moment of delay brings his daughter one step closer to death.

And then the worst happens!

v. 35  “While Jesus was still speaking some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler.  ‘Your daughter is dead,’ they said.  ‘Why bother the teacher anymore?”

Can you FEEL Jairus’ heart sinking?  Can you imagine the thoughts rushing through his mind – ‘if only these crowds weren’t pressing in so tight, if only Jesus hadn’t delayed to find that woman”?  Can you put yourself in HIS place?

But look what comes next: 
v. 36 “Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, 'Don't be afraid; just believe". – Don’t you LOVE that???   As far as Jesus was concerned, it was as if they hadn’t spoken!  

In the eyes of Jairus’ servants what was once HOPEFUL had now become HOPELESS.   

What they didn’t know is that death was no stumbling block to Jesus!

v. 38 “Only Peter, James & John were permitted to follow Jesus.  When they came to Jairus’ house, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly.  He went in and said, “why all this commotion and wailing?  The child is not dead, but asleep."

These were professional mourners – they’d been around many dead bodies -  they knew a dead body when they saw one!  Lacking faith – their mourning turned to mocking and they simply laughed at Jesus.

After He put them all out, except Jairus and his wife and Peter, James and, John – Jesus went to the child, took her by the hand and said: Little girl, I say to you, get up!.  Immediately, she stood up and walked around – astonishing all those watching!

v. 43 “He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this and told them to give her something to eat.”

All that father wanted was a healing.  Despite the crowds and delays – when Jesus came into their situation – Jairus received SO MUCH MORE than he ever expected.  He received his daughter back from the dead.  



To the crowd – Jesus was a “celebrity” - They were curious about Him, on the fringe of association with Him, maybe even religious as Jairus was – watching Him bring new life to others - but not really willing to risk everything to FOLLOW Him with THEIR whole lives.  

Their motto was, “SEEING IS BELIEVING”.   If Jesus did something really outstanding, maybe they would believe in Him.  Elsewhere in the gospels, when the Pharisees asked Jesus to “show them a sign”, perform a miracle to prove who He was – Jesus refused.  They already KNEW the truth about Him from the Scriptures – if they didn’t believe THAT, then no miracle would convince them.  That’s the way it was with the crowd.

Jairus and the hemorrhaging woman saw Jesus differently.  They saw Him as the ONLY source of HOPE  – not just for healing – BUT FOR LIFE.   In their eyes, He was the only One who could restore Jairus’s daughter and give the woman back an abundant life NOW.  

Putting their faith in Jesus, especially in such a public way, was risky.   They faced the possible rejection and anger of their peers, employers, extended family, and neighbors.  They were willing to bow their knees and hearts to His will.  

Walking by faith, their motto was:  BELIEVING IS SEEING.  

Heb. 11:1 “Now faith is being SURE of what we HOPE for and certain of what we do NOT see.”

Seeing NOTHING YET - but simply believing in JESUS – both received SO much more than they hoped for!   Both of them received the LIFE that only Jesus can give:  Jairus’ daughter was not only made well, she was raised from the dead!   The hemorrhaging woman was not only physically healed, she received her LIFE back – new abundant resurrection life – in the here and now!

Each of us who comes in contact with Jesus needs to answer the same question.

Who do you (do I) say that Jesus is?  

·         Is He just a curiosity, someone we want to be associated with in NAME – but who we don’t really know personally?

Imagine you were issued an invitation by the President of the United States to visit him in the Oval Office.  You’d come in, be greeted by name, shake hands with him, have your photo taken. 
When you arrived home, you might tell your friends that you now “know” the President by virtue of your little meeting with him.  

But there’s a big difference in “knowing” the President from a brief meeting and really KNOWING him personally.

Remember that famous photo of President John Kennedy, seated at his desk in the Oval Office, and under his desk is his son John?  John had MUCH greater access to the President because he really DID know him – not just casually – but personally.

The crowd “knew” Jesus – but only casually, out of curiosity – they didn’t really KNOW Him personally.

Jesus is the One who offers healing for the REAL sickness that afflicts us all – the sickness of SIN.   

Each of us must come to the place where we really KNOW Jesus personally.  And the only way that happens is by FAITH – faith that His death paid the penalty for ours, and that His resurrection bestowed on us NEW LIFE.

·         What are you willing to risk to bow at the feet of Jesus and commit your life to Him? 

      Are you willing to risk your reputation with friends, neighbors, extended family?  

·         Are you living the life of a secret Christian for fear that exposure will alienate you from the people you care about?   

·         Are you willing to risk public exposure in order to live the more abundant life Jesus can give you?

·         Which of these is your motto:  SEEING IS BELIEVING, OR BELIEVING IS SEEING?  

·         Where are you waiting for Jesus to perform a miracle before you put your trust in Him?  

·         Where do you need to walk by FAITH – BELIEVING that Jesus can and will intervene in your situation – and living in expectation of SEEING Him work – even if it’s in a way that you don’t expect?


Eight years ago, our youngest daughter Becky graduated from Ramapo College.  Ramapo is probably small in comparison to other colleges, but there were enough students at the graduation ceremony that it was impossible for us to find her in that sea of caps/gowns.  

Thankfully we now live in the age of cell phones!  Becky called us and we each gave landmark directions until we spotted her and she spotted us.  

That day Jesus was so surrounded by the crowd that it actually pressed in on Him.  As far as Jesus looked there was a sea of faces attached to people wanting His attention.  I would imagine that it was hard for both Jairus and the woman to fight their way thru the crowd and get close enough to speak to Jesus and touch Him.   

Years ago when I was going thru a very difficult time I was studying Genesis when I learned a name for God that has become one of my favorites and the one I cling to when there seems to be no hope.  God is “El Roi” – the God who sees.   

How perfectly Jesus illustrates that name here.  Surrounded by a crowd of people pressing in on Him, His eyes zero in on a distressed father, and they keep on looking for a woman who would rather remain anonymous!

And when He SEES them, He STOPS, and says:  “I’ll come”, and “Daughter, your faith has healed you.”

·         What is the situation that touching your life that seems hopeless?  

·         Maybe you’re coming to Jesus for physical healing, or interceding for an adult child who isn’t walking with Him.

·         Maybe you’re coming for strength to just get through the day with your patience intact as you care for your little ones.

No matter how hopeless your situation seems - Don’t EVER, for ONE SECOND, think that Jesus doesn’t see your distress.  

He does.  And He’s able & willing to help.  Maybe thru words that speak peace to your soul, maybe through miraculous deliverance, maybe by ministering His compassion and a sense of His close presence.  

Don’t expect to SEE before you believe.  Walk by faith in Jesus and then live in expectation of SEEING Him work in your situation in a way that just might take you by surprise because He is the One who “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”.  
How does God’s name, “El Roi – the God who sees”, encourage you?

So, what do YOU think is Jesus’ “line”?

Is He just a curiosity, someone with whom you have a casual acquaintance, or is He personal Savior and Lord?

If your motto has been “when I SEE Jesus DO something great in my life, or in answer to prayer, then I’ll believe in Him”, then this week, choose to let your motto be:  BELIEVING IS SEEING.

Walk by FAITH that Jesus lived and died and rose again for your salvation.  Believe that He SEES you, and STOPS, so that He can breathe new life into your spiritually dead body, or restore you to the abundant life He has for you.  

Heb. 11:1 “Now faith is being SURE of what we HOPE for and certain of what we do NOT see.”


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Random blessings from the Bible

I would never thought of writing a blog were it not for my dear friend and prayer partner Jeannine.  She's always after me to share the things God brings to my mind.  So, thank you Jeannine.  All the glory, as we both know, goes to God.  Psalm 115:1

1 Corinthians 16:17-18 "I was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus arrived, . . . . . .  For they refreshed my spirit and yours also.  Such men deserve recognition."

I thought, who refreshes MY spirit the way these men refreshed Paul's?  There are LOTS of you! 

I've been refreshed in spirit this week through my prayer partners, who face difficult things with Holy Spirit given courage, who make changes in their lives even though they're hard, who live by their faith, who want to be all the Lord has in mind for them to be.

I'm refreshed every single week through the Body of Christ at Montvale.  My spirit is lifted by your worship, your service, your compassion for others, your love.

I'd love to name names, but I know I'd leave people out.  Maybe a written note is due.  Paul said such people as you, "deserve recognition".

My next question to myself is:  Whose spirit needs refreshing and how can I be God's instrument to refresh them?   I'm going to be watching for God's divine opportunities.

Find someone who refreshes YOUR spirit and give them a word of thanks.  And look around for someone else who's spirit God wants to refresh through you.