So, are you
sick of hearing all the amazing things the Lord is up to with this transplant
thing? I hope not, because I think there
will be many more reports like this one.
The excitement
is building to a fever pitch in Jennifer and me as we await our big day, tomorrow, Aug. 14 at 11 AM! I didn’t mention it to her, or my girls
either, but all week long I have been battling vertigo, the kind that sets the
room spinning every time I move too quickly or get in and out of bed. And it has sometimes been accompanied by
nausea. So if I was anxious about
anything this week it was that. I drank
lots of water in case it was caused by dehydration, but it didn’t help much.
More than
anything in the world I did not want to even entertain the idea of postponing
the surgery. Jennifer’s daughter flew in
from Montana this past Thursday to be with her mom and will only be here a week,
so the surgery had to be this week! Finally,
after waiting and hoping it would just go away on its own, yesterday I went to
see my primary care physician to see what was going on.
I admit I spoke
to the Lord and assured Him I was not going to postpone the surgery unless He
made it abundantly clear to me that I would be in danger, or that, for reasons of His own, He wanted it postponed. But after my doctor took an EKG, my
blood pressure, and blood work, he determined that I’m probably suffering from
recurring positional vertigo – no medical emergency – although he said I might
not feel well. Whew! Confirmation from the Lord that we are still
a GO! Actually, now that I KNOW it's not serious, I feel a bit better!
If you have
been reading these kidney transplant blogs then you know how much Jennifer and
I want to bring glory and honor to the Lord Jesus in everything we say and do
during these days of adventure. So she’s
been writing her column for the local paper expressing her faith and I’ve been
writing my blogs, doing the same. We’ve told nurses,
transplant coordinators, psychiatrists, social workers, lab tecs and doctors –
anyone who will listen – about how the Lord has led us in this together.
And today we
were presented with another opportunity.
Jennifer had a call from her transplant coordinator asking if he had
permission to give her number to the hospital public relations rep who wanted
to speak with us both. As it turns out,
she would like to interview us so that we
could tell our story!
What an
opportunity – on public media – to share how the Lord has been at work in this
adventure in which He has invited us to participate.
Yes, we ARE
having surgery tomorrow. Yes, we ARE
excited! More excited than scared, more
trusting than worried.
We have a
GREAT and AWESOME God and we are anxious to tell others about His greatness!
“I will extol the Lord
at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.”
Psalm 34:1
Dot, I'm speechless! I know...most unusual LOL! Reading this is making my eyes watery. I can hardly even believe we went through all that! And, look at us now. Neither of us can hide our light and love for the Lord. It escapes from us even when we're not aware of it. God's hand has been upon us for a long time now and I know that he will continue using no our story. To this day, when people hear that a lady from my church donated her kidney to me, they gape with their mouth open. My new surgeon, Dr. Benvenisty, just asked me a week ago where I got my kidney and I had the opportunity to share how God sent me a living donor! You are a dear woman of God and a force to be reckoned with:-). Love and blessings and thanks forever!