In the
sermon our pastor gave this week, he had us look at Colossians 3:16:
Let the word of Christ
dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching, and admonishing one another in
psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the
For the last
10 weeks I’ve been doing Henry Blakaby’s Bible study, Experiencing God. At the end
of the first day for this week, Blakaby says:
Sharing what God is
doing in your life may help someone else encounter God in a meaningful
way. For example, when someone was led
to make a significant commitment to the Lord in one of our services, I gave
that person an opportunity to share with the church. Sometimes that testimony prompted others to
respond in a similar way.
A couple of
weeks ago at our Sunday breakfast, I shared with some of the couples from our
community who also attend our church that I was feeling really lonely and
depressed. I was not in a good way
spiritually or emotionally. It wasn’t
easy to share that. I felt vulnerable
sharing a personal weakness, not knowing how the other women would respond, but
I knew the Lord was prompting me to do so.
happened was that they did respond, not only with hugs and kind words, but also
with demonstrations of love and care for me later that week. The wonderful by product was that they also
began to share some of the struggles they were having as well – feeling lonely
and learning to adapt to a new place to live.
That greater openness carried on into our twice monthly small group
meeting, where there seemed a new freedom to share. It was awesome!
moments of greater sharing were the first glimpse the Lord gave me that He
wasn’t only at work in me, but also in US, together as a life group. And so, I’m challenged again, prompted by
today’s study, to share some of what the Lord has been teaching me and doing
throughout these weeks in the hope that you too will share what the Lord is
doing in YOU!
I think I
may have mentioned in a previous blog that in the summer I was the leader of
the women’s Bible study at our church.
The need arose unexpectedly and I was encouraged to step into the
leadership. I had done this kind of
thing before, so from a human perspective, it made perfect sense. BUT, everything in me was saying, NO, strongly
and urgently. I believe it was the
Spirit of God doing the speaking.
Instead of saying NO though, I said YES, but it wasn’t long before I
KNEW the Lord did not want me to do it, and I had to resign. Since then, I have not only had perfect
peace, I also know I have been doing EXACTLY what the Lord wants me to do. So what is it?
Blackaby says is the primary thing – spending time in God’s Word and prayer – responding to God’s desire to pursue a
continuing love relationship with me that is real and personal. Two days a week, while Jim is at church doing
financial work, I spend a concentrated time in prayer, in worship and petition
for our church and others, while I wait His pleasure for whatever He has for me
in this next season of my life. He has
brought me to the place where if THIS is my primary purpose for the rest of my
life, if I never engage in any other official ministry, I’m good, content, satisfied.
A number of
potential “opportunities” have come my way during this time – club officer,
leading a Bible study at home, return to my church as a small group Bible study
leader. In my former life 😊, I might have jumped at the chance to DO something and assumed it was
God’s invitation. But I’m convinced that
I’m already doing what the Lord wants, for now, and so I have turned all those
things down. I seriously guard those times
when Jim is busy elsewhere so I can spend time with the Lord.
that have presented themselves that I have accepted were invitations from
others to pray, because THIS is what God seems to deem of primary importance. Two women, independent of one another, have
asked me to share prayer with them. I’m
meeting with one today to walk through her neighborhood to pray and then
tomorrow, I’m meeting at the church with another woman to pray specifically for
our church and its ministries, followed by another prayer walk with a friend
through our neighborhood.
I am
convinced that, as Blakaby says, the Lord is about to do something BIG, and He
is mobilizing His people to pray. He has
a purpose for us who know Him, individually and collectively, to make Himself
known, and if we’re willing, He’ll even use us!
So, I’m
curious, what is God doing in YOUR life?
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