Did you know that believers in
Christ are the object of the attention of angels?
The Apostle Peter, in his letter to
believers throughout the world of his day, said this:
I Peter 1:10-12
“Concerning this salvation, the
prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you searched intently and
with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which
the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ
and the glories that would follow. It was revealed to them that they were
not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now
been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit
sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.”
What is it that makes us the object
of angelic attention?
What can we know that angels never
can? Keep reading!
One major difference between us and
the good angels is that they still are what they were created to be – but you
and I are not.
Adam and Eve were beautiful beings,
created by God to reflect His image and to live in a perfect environment where
they lived in perfect harmony with Him – walking and talking together.
But then, sin entered the picture
when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil - and with sin came death – the death of the once intimate
relationship Adam and Eve had with a holy God, and physical death – to a man
and woman made to live forever.
Sin has been with us ever since –
it’s in our genes, it’s part of our DNA.
It has infected all of us, enslaved
all of us and cursed all of us with death and the fear of death.
Nobody escapes it.
BUT THEN GOD (three of my favorite
words in the Bible!) provided a solution to the sin problem.
He sent His Son Jesus to be born as
one of us – human.
Angels participated in the
announcement of His birth –
Gabriel appeared to the priest
Zacharias telling him that he would have a son who would be the one to prepare
the way for the coming of the Messiah – that son was John the Baptist.
Gabriel appeared to Mary and told
her should would have a child by the Holy Spirit and she was to name Him Jesus
because He would save His people from their sins.
Then he appeared to Joseph, who was
wavering about whether to marry Mary because she was pregnant with a child
which was not his. He told Joseph to go ahead and marry Mary because she
would have a child of the Holy Spirit – He would be the long awaited Messiah.
When Jesus was born, a host of
angels appeared to the shepherds announcing the birth of the child.
Jesus grew up to become a man,
tempted as we are, yet without sin, and so able to become the perfect
sacrifice, and to take upon HIMSELF the curse of sin, and die the death that
was OURS. He was the perfect sacrifice, the Only sacrifice which could
once and for all forgive sin.
In power Jesus rose again – proving
Himself victorious over sin and death and the Only One able to save us.
When you and I grasp that truth BY
FAITH (cause it’s only way we can grasp
it), we are finally FREE – free from the penalty of death because Jesus
took it for us, free from the power sin used to have over us, free to love God
wholehearted and obey Him.
Without Jesus, we found it
impossible NOT to sin, but through faith in Jesus, we are finally free NOT TO
God’s provision for our salvation
from sin is amazing, joy producing and wonderful – because it’s completely
Peter 1:12 “Even angels long to look into
these things.” What things?
The things pertaining to OUR
Do they long to look into them
because they lack knowledge about God’s great plan of salvation?
Being citizens of heaven itself,
being present when the Lord Jesus descended and became one of us – they would
have known all about God’s plan to save man from sin.
No, they long to look into the
things pertaining to our salvation not because they lack the intellectual
knowledge– but because they have never FELT salvation, never experienced it for
themselves. Our salvation, which they can never experience, makes them
curious observers of US.
In I Peter 1, the Apostle mentions some things that are outside the range of what
angels personally experience.
In verse 2, Peter addresses his letter to the “elect”, believers in
Jesus scattered throughout the world of his day, who have been sanctified – set
apart for God – through the sprinkling of Christ’s blood.
Because the holy angels don’t sin -
they have never known, and never needed to know, the cleansing available to us
constantly through the blood of Christ.
In verse 3, he says: “In His great mercy He has given us the new birth”.
When we trust in Christ, we are born again spiritually into a new life. Angels
have remained the same since they were created, while God has changed us
completely, from the inside, out.
Our new birth comes thru God’s great
mercy – MERCY is an attribute God expresses toward us when He
withholds from us the just punishment for sin that we deserve. Since the
angels have not sinned, they have never needed God’s mercy.
In verse 4, Peter says: “We
have an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade – kept in heaven for
us”. Angels already have
what is theirs. The treasures being stored in heaven now are for OUR
In verses 3 and 7: We read that we have a “living hope”, - that
our faith “will result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is
revealed.” This is not a cross your fingers, pie in the sky hope,
The angels have no need of hope -
because Christ’s glory is something they already see first hand.
In verse 8 Peter says: “Even though you do not see Him now, you believe
in Him”.
We believe – we have to walk
by faith in a God we cannot SEE with our eyes. The angels have no need of
belief. They know the Lord by sight, not by faith.
When Peter says angels long to look
into these things – the Greek word meaning “look
into” doesn’t mean a casual peek. It’s an intense term – it
means not a quick glimpse, but a close up, detailed analysis.
Our salvation makes the angels intensely
They wish they could see and feel
and especially experience, the blessings of our salvation firsthand.
what they can only LONG to experience, we CAN experience through faith in
The chorus of the hymn: “Holy,
Holy, Is What the Angels Sing”, expresses this well. It says:
- o Holy,
Holy, is what the angels sing.
- o And
I expect to help them make the courts of heaven ring.
- o But
when I sing redemption’s story, they will fold their wings,
- o For
angels never felt the joy that our salvation brings.
Even though angels can never
experience the joy of our salvation – they rejoice over it. Jesus
said, “There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one
sinner who repents.”
Angels can participate in the
announcement of salvation. They can testify to God’s provision of salvation for
sinners. They can have joy over the repentance and salvation of
sinners, but they can never experience it themselves.
Are you looking at believers in
Christ and wondering what it is they have that you don’t?
Put your faith in Jesus and
wonder no more. Your salvation will set the angels of heaven to