We didn't go looking for adventure, but it came looking for us!
In order to
understand how excited we were by what happened just yesterday, you need to know how Jim and I
feel about all things British. We have
never actually BEEN to Britain (our daughter Becky is always bugging us about it!). All we
know about the British is what we have learned vicariously, through British
mystery novels and PBS.
We no longer
have cable TV, so all we ever watch really, via Netflix, is old BBC
mysteries and the occasional sitcom. We love the customs, the
language, and the fact that they actually use older characters for seasoned
veteran detectives, not 20 somethings who couldn’t possibly have risen to such lofty
ranks at that age, like we see in American mystery and cop shows.
Since there
is a British expat community here in central Florida, we also frequent the
local take away food place called The Perfect Pie. Consequently, our freezer is full of Cornish
pasties and cottage pie. We LOVE all
things British!
Jim and I went to a lifestyle meet and greet meeting in our community
clubhouse. At the outset of the meeting
our lifestyle director introduced a young woman from Britain visiting us from
a production team which is considering filming a documentary about retirement
in Florida. This seemed cool, but it was quickly forgotten because we had
another mission and were set on accomplishing it.
At the end
of the meeting Jim and I headed right over to the coffee room intent on having
our photo taken – finally – for our community directory. When the photographer who was also at the meeting finally came, the young
British woman came with him, for some reason anxious to video whatever little
exchange we three would have before he took the photo. Having learned that we are relative newcomers
here, after our photo was taken, she asked if she might interview us. That request began what was the highlight of our day.
If you've read any of my blogs about our move, then you know, one of the
things I found difficult about moving so far from the state where we lived all
our lives was not just not knowing anyone here.
It was also not BEING known by anyone here. So to
have someone ask us personal questions about what we did before retirement, why
we came to Florida, why to this community. . . was wonderful. She wasn’t just asking to be polite, for the
sake of what she does and why she came, she really wanted to know. And we were so excited to share it all with
her. We even invited her over to see our
house! At the end of our conversation
she asked, if the project goes forward would we be willing to be part of
it. How could we say no? The prospect
sounded so fun! And she said she’d take
us up on our invitation to see our home, and bring her producer along!
When she
called us later in the evening, asking if they could stop and see us, we readily
agreed. We were beside ourselves with
excitement to have two Brits right in our own home, and we told them so as soon as they walked in the door!
The conversation
we had with them gave us more detail on what they were planning. Although they hadn’t yet decided whether to
use our community, the plan was to use a Florida retirement community for a
three-part documentary on retirement lifestyles. Their project was to send a team of celebrities to a foreign
country to spend a week living there as retired people might do. They had already completed and aired the first, filmed in India, and
Florida would be the second. A third,
based in Japan, would follow. Once again
we were asked to tell the story of how we came to be here and it was received
with great interest and lots of questions.
Interestingly to us, they were also very curious about our church search because it was important to us and a critical decision we took a long time making.
Listening to their questions gave us some insight into life in Britain
as well. We were asked if it was okay to
just “show up” on a Sunday to a church we had never been to before. There was some curiosity about what churches
here are like as well.
They seemed
intrigued that we deliberately chose a community with a community service club
because serving others is so close to our hearts. We had an opportunity to share with them all
of the wonderful things our club does here to serve a particularly impoverished
nearby school – contributing uniforms, warm coats, bags of groceries to carry
families through the weekends, and classroom help.
We learned
that in Britain, “pensioner”, which is what retirees are called, is not a welcome word. There is nothing like what we have in our
Florida retirement communities in Britain. Retirement is thought of as the end of a useful life. That is so unlike our experience here that we
were even more eager to share our life and lifestyle with a British audience!
When I wrote
about adventures in the blog I wrote last week, this one wasn’t even on our
radar, not could we EVER have anticipated it!
however, come when we least expect them!
It’s always good to be ready!
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