If you have
been reading my recent blogs then you know that my brother went into the
hospital on April 18 for drastic, extensive surgery to remove
adenoblastoma. And you also know that
instead of a 10 hour surgery, and lengthy hospital recovery, he was out of the
hospital by noon on the same day. The
blastoma the surgeons expected to find was gone! What a miracle!
He and I have
had many conversations since, expressing our joy and gratitude to God, but also
thinking a lot about miracles. The truth
is we don’t see a lot of this kind of miraculous physical healing today. All of us can think of people we know who are
in desperate need of healing, and yet, most will probably not be healed.
true and miraculous and awesome miracles do happen every single day, miracles
far more wonderful.
In the blog,
“Explaining the Unexplainable”, I sited the account of the man who was born blind,
whom Jesus healed, from John’s gospel, chapter 9. There is more to that account.
When the man
who was born blind expressed his incredulity with the religious leaders refusal
to accept that the One who healed him MUST have been sent by God, they threw
him out of the synagogue.
Then John
tells the rest of the story, beginning in verse 35:
Jesus heard that they
had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son
of Man (a title Jesus used of Himself.
It refers to his humanity but the way He used it was also a claim to
“Who is he, sir?” the
man asked. “Tell me so that I may
believe in him.”
Jesus said, “You have
now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”
Then the man said, “Lord,
I believe,” and he worshiped him.
Jesus said, “For
judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who
see will become blind.”
Do you know
what that greater miracle is? It’s the
miracle Jesus does in a heart to bring the spiritually dead to life, to give
the spiritually blind their sight. These
religious leaders THOUGHT they had spiritual sight, yet they refused to
recognize Jesus as the Messiah for which they had been waiting. In doing so, they proved themselves to be
On the other
hand, the man who had been physically blind recognized Jesus for who He was
because He had been given spiritual (as well as physical) sight! We can see the fruit of this change in the
fact that the formerly blind man called Jesus Lord, he expressed his faith, (I believe) and immediately worshiped
I love that in John's account, when Jesus heard the man had been thrown out of the synagogue, HE went out to find him! All day,
every day, all year long, Jesus is at work seeking sinful and undeserving men,
women, and children and drawing them to Himself. He's doing so right now as you read this blog.
We don’t
deserve that kind of love and forgiveness, but the miracle is that He
continually offers it. And when it is received, He miraculously transforms those who are spiritually dead and they
become alive in Christ, eternally. He
performs the work of removing their spiritual blinders, so that, for the first
time EVER, they truly “see” – spiritual truth, the evidence of God and His work all
around us, the reality of heaven - as they have never seen before.
The work
Jesus does in us spiritually – by His grace, through faith – is the true
miracle of miracles.