When Jim and
I were in Florida back in April I had a phone call from someone whose name I didn’t
recognize. He was from an organization
which sprung out of Campus Crusade for Christ and which endeavors to share the
gospel all over the world. I had
completely forgotten that about 2 years ago now I had expressed an interest in
volunteering. And then, life intruded,
as it has a way of doing. Now, however,
his call reactivated my interest. Within
a couple of days I had filled out the application form, including references,
and sent it in. I’m into my fifth week
of hands on training and I am in awe of what the Lord is up to in this world in
which we live!
Each day an
e mail comes into my inbox from some far flung corner of the world from an
individual who has logged onto our website. There they can find lots of
information about the gospel of Jesus Christ, including how to have a personal
relationship with Him, plus discipleship information for new
believers. When they respond with a
decision, or even just interest, or they have a specific prayer request, their e
mails come to us volunteers and we respond.
In these few
short weeks I have had about 30 opportunities to share the gospel, and it has
been AWESOME! All over the world there are
people who are hungry for Jesus and asking for help to know Him – even in
places where doing so might have dire consequences for them. I have been asked
to pray for them to resist temptation, for family members to come to faith, for
help in growing to know Jesus and walk with Him. And I have been asked
questions about heaven and how to recognize the voice of God and the work of
the Holy Spirit in someone’s life. This is
amazing, satisfying, kingdom expanding, God glorifying work.
If you have ever
become discouraged about the spiritual state of the world, let me tell you, the
Lord is at work, powerfully, in ways we cannot yet see.
If you’d
like to know more, contact me via Facebook.
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