This past
weekend I went on a women’s retreat. It was
held in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, a place with many happy memories for me from
vacations with my husband and children. For
two days I enjoyed good food, a wonderful speaker, sweet fellowship with my
sisters in Christ, seeing the ocean from my hotel room, and all of the special
delights of a beach town.
On Saturday
afternoon during our free time my friend and I went back to our hotel room and
spent some time talking. I was talking
about my recent experience donating a kidney to my friend from church and how I
knew that it was the Lord leading me to take the first step of being
tested. My friend asked, “But how did you KNOW it was GOD telling you
to do it?” The question took me
aback a bit because I had never given it any thought. And then I said, “I knew it was God because I recognized the sound of His “voice”.
Now if you
are not a believer in Jesus, or you have not known Him by faith for very long,
this might sound weird, so let me clear something up right at the outset. I did NOT hear an audible voice. There were times in the Bible when God spoke
and His voice may have been audible, like when He called out to the boy Samuel
in I Samuel, chapter 3, or when He met Moses at the burning bush.
But now that
we have the written word of God in the Bible, God doesn’t need to speak in an
audible voice. He speaks through His
Word, through the prompting of His Holy Spirit who indwells believers in Jesus,
and sometimes He speaks through circumstances and the godly counsel of other
believers. So, I didn’t hear an audible
voice, but nevertheless, I knew that it was the Lord who laid it on my heart
that I should pursue the testing to see if I was a match for my friend.
After that conversation, I began to
think about how I came to know my Lord’s voice, and I realized that like
all relationships, the better you get to know someone, the more easily you
recognize his voice.
When I was
first married I was living and working in New Jersey while my husband was
serving in the Army in Viet Nam. Mostly
we corresponded by letter but every now and then I would be awakened during the
night with a phone call. The call was
picked up and forwarded to me by a MARS ham radio operator. Though my husband and I had been separated by
time and miles, and there was always another operator on the line reminding each
of us to say, “over” when we had finished speaking, I still immediately knew
HIS voice.
The Lord has
been speaking to me through His Word since the Holy Spirit took up residence in
my heart and life the moment I first believed in Jesus. Each time I responded with obedience, I grew to
know Him better, to recognize His voice.
God’s Word has been so central to me in my walk with the Lord.
Over the nearly 35 years that I've walked with the Lord I 've read the
Bible on my own, studied with devotionals, attended Sunday school classes where
the Bible was taught, taught the Bible to other women and children, and studied
God’s Word in depth for 18 years through the ministry of Bible Study
Fellowship International – all the while getting to know the Lord and the sound
of His voice.
In addition,
the Lord invited me to join Him in some faith adventures that had a huge impact
on my faith in His faithfulness, so that His voice became more and more familiar
to me – especially through the difficult journeys of faith. Someone has said that God whispers to us
through the quiet times in our lives, but shouts to us in our pain. I found that was true.
The first
time was in 1982. I was a young mom with
two daughters, just 2 and 4 years old, when a lump was discovered in my
neck. After some testing it was
diagnosed as a tumor on my thyroid and the doctor recommended I have it
out. I had never had surgery before, so I
was scared to DEATH. In that day, they didn’t
do biopsies before the surgery, they did them while you were still on the operating
table. That way, if the tumor was
cancerous, they could go ahead and do more drastic surgery while you were still
under anesthesia.
So I went
into the hospital not knowing what the outcome of the surgery would be – and without
the internet to check for myself – I had no idea of the possibilities either,
which was a good thing!
Looking ahead
to the surgery I was not only thinking about myself, I was thinking about my
husband and my little girls, wondering what would happen to us all if it turned
out to be a cancerous tumor. FEAR was my
default, but by God’s grace, I didn’t STAY afraid. Instead my hospital room felt like a
sanctuary. I read my Bible and prayed
and I knew the Lord was right there with me. I was “hearing” the sound of His
voice bringing to me His comfort and peace.
When it was
time to go to the OR, I was wheeled there by a man I had never seen
before. On the elevator he chatted with
someone while I hummed a hymn, but when he left me in the hallway outside the
OR, he leaned over and said in my ear, “You
are in good hands with the Lord”.
Wow! That was exactly the assurance
I needed! I never saw that man again. His was a human voice I “heard” speaking to
me, but I knew it was the Lord who inspired the words.
Many other
faith adventures followed: more
surgeries, one cancer diagnosis, difficulty raising a child, ministry
opportunities that took me WAY outside my comfort zone, moving to a new place
at the same time all my close relatives moved far away – all of these things
grew my faith and made me more attuned to my Lord’s “voice”.
I remember
saying after that first surgery when my girls were so young – I’d gladly go
through another experience like this anytime if it causes me to experience the reality of the Lord
the way this did. And the
Lord has taken me at my word!
In chapter
10 of the Gospel of John, when Jesus spoke of Himself as the Good Shepherd, He
said this:
“The sheep listen to
(the Shepherd’s) voice. He calls His own
sheep by name and leads them out, He goes on ahead of them, and His sheep
follow Him because they know his voice.
I am the Good Shepherd. The Good
Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep”
If you want to hear the Shepherd’s voice you
really have to get to know the Shepherd.
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